
"What, we gotta wait for them ta get here? FACK DAT, kid."

::trips over self to yell at you on the Internet::

Yep. And we haven't the introspective capacity to mitigate it.

Certainly ain't afraid NOW…

Filed To: Should've shot him.

"because they're creeps who deny the reality of every single high-profile rape case that comes about."

That, to me, is the logical end point for the series.

Oh shit, yep, you nailed it with the latter.

She acted like the sort of quiet, bookish kid me and my friends (likewise) were, but spliced with some of the more horrible aspects of Mischa Barton's character from the OC.

I've tried to get into this show, based on recommendations, a number of times. Rory fucking killed it for me each time.

Nope, sure aren't.

::reads headline::

Best of luck with this endeavor.

"It seems like Bertolucci at the very least acknowledges now what he thought was ok back then was in fact a form of assault."

"You know I'm right, which is why you're getting angry and defensive."

Huh. Seems like there's a gray area here and you're just really all in on your take.

I hear that it's important to keep that there circular firing squad nice and tight. Can't make a mess of it.

Somehow the clearest, most cogent concept that Kojima has ever come up with.

Huh. Can't say I ever found anything objectionable or hate-ready in these columns. ::shrug::

Odd choice here, but I'm going with "Say Goodnight" by Jump, Little Children. Mainly because it's one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard, and more people need to hear it.