
Such a pleasant surprise.

I'll agree with The Exorcist. I'd probably feel differently if I'd seen it when it was first released.

I see that we've accelerated "Operation: Celebrity Takedown" for Schumer.

A TRUE Christian would have the integrity to govern their own behavior, and not feel some burning need to control the perfectly legal behaviors of others.

If you read up on the history of SNL, that's actually a decent number. At least from what I remember. Plus, some writers are used in kind of "niche" roles. Someone who's a middling lead writer can be a hell of a post-draft tightener, for example.

I don't get the sense that he gives a shit about whether or not people think he's brave.

Might be the writing? He might be solid in the writer's room.

Just throwing this out there: blocking ElectricSheep has improved my AVC experience tenfold.

Yes to all.

Filed To: Oh for fuck's sake…

"The revolution will not be televised and it certainly won't be performed at the super bowl."

"Fuck, I'm going to miss Smackdown tonight."

Now you're just being arch.

See: John Turturro in "The Night Of"

Oh, sure.

I disagree. Their world just got bigger, and it isn't a matter of one disjointed tribe taking on another disjointed tribe. Rick is dealing with an enemy that he can't just shoot. That's going to require a more political approach, IMO.

"And then you get sick of it, and you move to books without pictures, or in this case, another show."

"Wow, I didn't think it was as terrible as the reviewer and apparently, everyone else in the Internet did."

Yeah, I have no idea how this episode gets a C-. It was a solid episode that gave us a reason to see Negan as an actual threat, as well as the mechanics and psychology behind that threat. Yes, shit gets worse. Yes, the big bads get bigger and badder. That's kind of the point, IMO: as their world gets bigger, so do

My favorite go-to is, "I know, right? I feel the same way about Hamlet. Fake as shit."