
It needs to be a single camera, focused on a sectional couch, on which five people sit and dick around on their phones for an hour.

Huh. Ain't bad.

Yep. Even in reporting the Times/Trump piece, they ended with a reference to how Gawker was brought under by doing the "same" thing.

Hell, it got me by until about 7th grade!

Eh, I'm not prepared to throw that word around without knowing the dude. It's too easy to jump to that conclusion nowadays, when some behaviors (like this one) can have other explanations.

Gawkmodo shit always carries the stink of insufferability.

Awesome. THAT'S how you educate people. Then again, that was IRL. The Internet is just hard-wired for gladiatorial combat.

I can't stand fleeting pop culture terms. They last about as long as a stick of Fruit Stripe, and they're invariably replaced by something more obnoxious.

Agreed! It was the first thing I looked for!

I don't think it's necessarily racism. I think it's more naivete. He believes the police/Zimmerman's narrative, and the outcome of the trial crystallized that for him.

Alright, fine. He's been upgraded to "Stalin."

"Are those Twizzlers? Unacceptable. Licorice must be dispensed in one long rope."

We need to call Butthole Forensics.

But he's ::kicks:: NOT ::kicks:: DOING IT ::kicks:: FAST ::kicks:: ENOUGH!

Seems like the well-meaning cousin of "civilize the savages" or somesuch bullshit.

That'd be an awkward show.

I clicked a link titled "Who's Hair Sucks? You'll NEVER Guess!"

I think that this is the first time I've seen that sentiment expressed online. Totally agree.

I think the Internet has unlocked our true potential for narcissistic isolation. Or, put simpler: I'm right, you're wrong, and fuck you because your hair sucks.

Rome West. We're in the "dumbing and anesthetizing ourselves into either proud ignorance or resigned apathy" period of our history, with a sprinkling in of "the forest is burning, but by all means let's bitch about the shape of the pine needles."