
Seriously, we're on a goddamned Rome trajectory.

The emergence of Ken Bone, and the speed with which we've already chewed him up and spit him out, is a great indicator as to how and why we're a shitty nation in decline.

I'm thinking it was a drunken hook up or somesuch that was taken too far. It's fairly easy for that sort of thing to happen.

Sasha needs to learn how to deliver lines.

The story is just bare bones by comparison, IMO, and the characters are about as close to stock characters as it is possible to be. Aside from the gorgeous visuals, the movie did not resonate with me.

"I miss the days before he completely disappeared up his own ass."

"But the action itself isn’t what sets Aliens apart. It’s the storytelling."


Apropos of nothing: I WANT MY FUCKING MAC JR. BACK!

Eh, I'd rather read a book on Nat Turner. Actually, I may do just that once I'm finished current reading.

"Netflix Presents: Brigadoon"

Necessary re-post:

I'm intrigued enough to give this a shot.

Eh, I don't know. They seem to be impervious to shame.

Probably playing to the grammar of the average Trump supporter, would be my guess.

"casual racism and misanthropy"

Wouldn't know. Wasn't my point.

"I haven’t thought of this as 'world-building' because there isn’t a
world to be built here. Harlem is a real place full of real black people
having real black-ass conversations like the ones on screen."

I had a hell of a meal (some chicken curry thing) on a German airline that I can't remember. I totally remember the meal, though. Really solid.