
Pitfalls of a capitalist society. We're walking data points and consumer targets.

Literal speech FTW!

Where do I go to do the poop?

Well, I'd say that Archer actually has a plot most of the time, and is a bit more intricate than Frisky Dingo and Sealab. ESPECIALLY Sealab.

I don't know how one could call them anything else.

Eh, I think there's room for both. Something like, say, Bob's Burgers, totally could have been an Adult Swim show (I know it airs there in reruns, but it could have been an original program).

Meh, fuck embarrassment. ATHF scratches an itch for me that no other show does. Beautiful, sublime absurdity.

They do. It's "Literally Anyone I've Ever Been Stoned With In College."

Hey now, don't you besmirch the good name of Venture Bros!

Definitely a dumb comment to make. Dude oughtta read "Live From New York" and look at the various SNL women, as well as what they had to fight past.

Eh, I've come to understand that that's the usual progression. Seize upon social issue -> conduct market research -> monetize the crap out of said social issue.

Reflection is great. It's the whole "apology" thing that I'm talking about. It means precisely dick. Action means something.

Women in comedy is as much of a ratings trend as a social trend at this point, so I'm sure they'll do some recruiting to that effect.

"was apologize for his network’s massive gender gap"

"They almost always present everything as 'two sides' with their 'third
way' of being apathetic or cynical as the only alternative."

THAT I can get behind.

"giving credence to the frequent criticism that the show often resorts to not choosing one stance over another"

Why the fuck does it matter?

"::INSERT COUNTRY HERE:: is a sexist country."

They should just turn Bray into a creepy MRA at this point. It's as if his entire character is an exercise in "well, is anyone REALLY bulletproof?"