
Yeah, fuck this shitshow and the others that follow. I'll watch pro wrestling over these fucking things. Better to watch art somewhat imitate life. Vice versa is too fucking depressing.

"But if you’re just telling the same story you told only one night
before, it’s pointless, redundant, and a complete waste of everyone’s

"Chris Jericho is delightful. I don’t think anything else needs to be said."

If you ask someone to expand upon their position, and/or educate you regarding the nuances thereof, and the person is not a fan of doing such, BOOM! You're a troll.

And come about every two damn months or so. It makes it so that marquee characters get very little time to grow/breathe.

Amen. Marvel's doing their best to turn me away, it seems.

Pro-Clinton? Eh, not seeing much of that. Anti-Trump? Yep, that fits.

Not talking about me. Just saying that there is/was an actual use for the term before it was co-opted.

No, actual, "I've been in a warzone and loud noises make me fly into a panic and leap for cover" PTSD.

Eh, trigger warnings make a hell of a lot of sense for, say, people suffering from PTSD.

"who are churning out total garbage that's supposed to play as 'satire'"

He isn't saying that Jenner should be derided for being trans. He IS saying that Jenner is a piece of shit DESPITE being trans.

Jesus Christ, do we really need the whole "using one's belief as a cudgel" approach? Seriously, what's the endgame in calling someone a "fundamentally awful human being?" Self-aggrandizement? Establishment of some kind of pecking order?

There. Is. No. Bottom.

Dude is impossible to hate.

If it's more P&E selling time shares, I'm in.

I am writing to you in hopes that you will scold this woman for being so hypocritically prudish and also ask her to unblock me.

Fucking killing me. Just, like…DON'T DO IT.

Ditto. Never been a fan.

Co-signed. I love this fucking thing. I have one a week, just about.