
"The Club versus The New Day"

When the best non-Owens moment of the show is the revelation that the Shining Stars are time share salesmen, there's a problem.

"The display was pulled as soon as the internet caught wind of it, but not before it made its way into Twitter infamy"

I don't know, man…seems like a relative thing.

Eh, I always hit places at odd times. I fucking hate lines.

Makes for dynamite hotel room viewing.

"he's generally recognizing restaurants that locals and even regional people already know are very good"

I dig it. DDD turned me on to some spots that I've made it a point to visit while traveling, and his overall style doesn't bother me any more than any other bombastic TV host hitting a line drive toward middle America.

Today in "Sure, why not?"

Needs moar Goon.

Dig this article a lot. He's way more nuanced than many give him credit for.

Regardless of his depravity, WM XX is still my favorite Mania main event.

Something tells me that homeboy isn't getting the difference, or doesn't care to. ::shrug::

Not really. You can criticize the genre/concept, but you aren't doing that. You're saying that it's a "fatiguing concept" overall, and the fact that it keeps drawing crowds indicates that no, no it demonstrably isn't according to standard metrics.

Mauro described a match as "mouth-watering." God damn…

Right. Fatiguing to people who don't like them and don't pay to see them. Soylent's point is that there seem to be more people willing to pay money to see them than people who are tired of the concept.

And here I was thinking that the title referred to a John Zorn documentary, and was all sorts of ready to tee off on that fucker.

Eh, I'm intrigued. I'll give it a shot.

I think having the kid in the shot was the final nail.

Season 5 was the last one I legit enjoyed. After that, the concept really began to eat itself.