
In a battle among Fox News, RHCP, and Faith No More, the answer is clear: you back Mr. Bungle.

This is why I try to catch bands either on the way up or on the way down. Never ran into an issue.


Find the perpetrators, out them, prosecute them.

It's a troll. Because that's such a novel fucking persona in online comment sections.

Yeah, I've never gotten the Allen/Polanski thing. I remember the talk about it being a tragedy that Polanski couldn't collect his Oscar and thinking "Wait…you mean the guy who sexually assaulted a girl and then fled to escape repercussions?"

I think it'd still be an issue, once it got out. It's hard to say how quickly or significantly.

Needs moar Sabotage.

Still waiting for you to express these "thoughts on complicated issues" you're prattling on about. Any time now.

Well, hey, the upshot is that none of this discussion functionally matters. Dude's free. He'll either weather this most recent backlash or he won't.

Sure! Start with "have a fucking point." Generally one that hinges upon the issue and not one that is basically an exercise in establishing superiority.

Great. Then have them and shut the fuck up. I haven't seen a whole hell of a lot of that from you, just a stream of bullshit about how people aren't doing what you aren't doing.

I can't say that I understand the appeal.

But…but how else will he cultivate a positive self image!?

And, in some cases, that personal judgment amounts to "Yeah, this looks way fucking unclear, so I'm not comfortable with vilifying either party."

Always good to run into the "contrarian looking for nothing but an argument" archetype. It's been a few minutes since I've seen one, so good to know y'all are still out there.

"He has taken liberties with the Nat Turner story, by shaping his rebellion around outrage at the rape of his wife"

"Go watch it immediately, and not just because it confirms what your
friendly A.V. Club wrestling writers have been saying all along: The Miz
is extremely underrated."

Meanwhile, Dick Valentine is awaiting his Twitter love.

Is it too late to, like, start over and re-frame the entire thing around him?