
I want swarms of White Walkers. Big ol' swarms.

I just wish that crowds could coordinate a crowd chant nowadays. Bunch of thirsty fuckers looking to "get their shit in."

Dude is looking bad. Like, "terminal cancer" bad.

Ah, I love that people are trying to make "cuck" a thing outside of Reddit and Stormfront. It's adorable.

Pretty much entirely this. Can't really add anything.

Twitter is pretty much an outlet for indignant entitlement at this point.

"So, what’s the verdict on Naomi’s new look and modified music? I don’t
even really care that much, so long as she gets some meaningful time in
the ring. Such an underused talent."

"Don’t give away the whole thing for free and make it the character
version of having wrestlers fight in order to sell wrestlers fighting
(which this RAW does in the main event anyway)."

Yeah, Dennehy comes off more as a smug prick than book Teasle.

Assholes on Twitter are being assholes on Twitter? You don't say!

So good. Only change I'd have made would have been to transplant book Teasle into the movie. Dennehy is good, but there's little sympathy to be found in his portrayal.

Fucking LOVED this album.

Love this book, really wish that they'd give up on the film adaptation. Only way to do it right would be to crib liberally from Ken Burns.

I can't imagine that it's terribly easy to piss The Rock off.

You have to fight Tom Kenny.

Seriously. It's like a half-assed William Carlos Williams poem.

"Natalie Portman to play-"

I posted a gif. It did not work. I am a sad.


There a point here? Taken on the merits, it looks like you're either saying "82% of Americans reject feminist principles outright" or "feminism is just another trend."