
I understand the frustration. I imagine that any artist wants their work to be judged on its merits, and while social movements should be part of that discussion, they shouldn't be THE discussion.

Whatever happens, I'm hoping that Avengers 3.1 & 3.2 are more like Civil War and less like AoU.

Is that a leg of fucking prosciutto!? Damn!

Say what you will about Hell on Wheels and Mumford & Sons (I certainly have), but I LOVED this scene.

That's what I'm getting at. When you're shooting for funny, and end up just getting vicious, you're not giving me anything I can't get pretty much anywhere else.

Yeah, basically. He's a big fan of "punching down" as well.

Love his sketch comedy, but hate his stand-up. No exception here. I've seen very little of his stand up routine that felt like it wasn't lifted from any snarky comments section online.


Not really the celeb crush type, but I'd likely go flat-out "aw, shucks" goofy in her presence.

If you think about it, bitching is kind of our national pastime. Hell, bitching is how we tend to try to stay relevant in this day and age.

"I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half."

"what value do you think this newswire has to the site and readership besides traffic"

I have a sneaking suspicion that the pitchforks will stay sharpened for the standard duration of outrage time. Which nowadays is…what…about four hours? Five?

1990. I'm nine years old. My dad takes a friend and I to the movies, and the movie we went to see (I forget which) was sold out. Choices: "Back to the Future Part III" or "Ghost Dad." We picked "Ghost Dad."

That's a good call.

Didn't know you were on this board, man!

I'd say it'll make it. Simple enough to shoot.

"I don’t understand what WWE is doing with The Club, and I won’t respond to it."

Eh, that was fine for me as well.

Eh, he'll do fine. Joker's one of those characters that is nigh-impossible to fuck up.