
Yeah, nothing I've read has made me want to try this out.

I referenced that in a post on cultural food appropriation (the Oberlin thing). Like…our most popular "taco" is a Dorito stuffed with "meat." We're WELL past that cultural battleground.

Well la-di-dah, Mr. "I've Never Been A Walking Human Failure Before!"

This may just join my short list of "Never In The Ever Ever" fast food items.

He's on a quest to be standoffish. Trying to make himself a hard target. And I get it: he doesn't want to be known as a street fighter anymore. Maximum risk at this point in his life, but stranger things have happened.

This was funnier than it had any right to be.

He didn't shoot Don Lemon? Damn it, he was RIGHT THERE!

LIFE has ruined my childhood. The only thing that could ruin it further would be a remake of Ice Castles.

They'd feel fine.

"Conservatives On Twitter Act Like Conservatives On Twitter"

Wow. I need a Samnee Hulk sketch.

Why the fuck is Bray dressed like Guy Fieri's cameraman?

Needs moar Vision.

YEAH! Throw a fucking PIE!


First I find out that RealPlayer still exists, now I find out that she wasn't dead already.

"It's not going to be that Donald won, it'll be that Hillary lost."

Fuck that. Only shills vote Quaid. KUATO OR BUST!

It makes no goddamned sense on any level. At all. It's like they tried to come up with the most quasi-inspirational and fucking insufferable sentence not uttered by Lena fucking Dunham.

“'It is no longer your decision if you’re going to run for President or
not,' an Up To Us speaker explained in one of the group’s recent videos, 'It is ours.'"