
Regarding learning and making themselves "better people," I'd ask what you mean by "better?" It seems to play into the idea that going into the trades is tantamount to failure, which has hurt us as a society (IMO).

I think there's a case to be made for analyzing college costs, particularly since they've been pushed as the one and only professional panacea and the return on investment isn't all that great.

Yep, that. There aren't any fucking shortcuts, and the reason that the big two are so entrenched is because they put the fucking legwork in.

"Yes, living in constant fear that you’ll say or do something to inadvertently provoke someone must be quite the burden to bear."

That's what I'm thinking. We've been primed for a fall for awhile now.

Yeah, our news media is shit. Gotta fill up those 24 hours!

Yep, sure is. Not trying to paint you with any sort of brush here. Just saying that those who truly want to "burn it all down" this cycle should probably stay home. "Be careful what you wish for" and all that.

You seem to be missing my point: I'm not saying "wait for the right time," I'm saying "CREATE the right time." You have to do the ground work, not just flip a switch and hope that shit will work out.

Really, really solid episode. More of this sort of thing, please!

We're a Monday Night Football kind of society.

No one is saying (or at least I'm not) that people can't voice grievances. No one is saying not to challenge the system. I think what people are saying is not to challenge it RIGHT NOW.

Yep, that.

"No it is NOT."

Well, that or realize that this is one election, and that playing the long game tends to work out. Y'know, provided that those playing it have the patience to do so.

You're dealing with the most reactive, ideologically charged subset of the Bernie movement. Reason and logic aren't going to work on people who are literally there to scream.

My daughter loves the movie "Home." Rihanna does a bunch of songs on the soundtrack (as well as one of the voices), and my daughter pronounced the word "night" as "noight" for months as a result.

Yep, I'm down. They've kept me entertained across 19 seasons.

Bitch of it was that any woman toy was short packed, so they were rare. Which made collectors want them, for monetary reasons, which meant that fewer were out there for the intended audience.

Figures are pricey nowadays all around. I've always tried to keep up with Hulk-related figures, but Marvel Legends are $20+ apiece.

Yep. And his endgame was note perfect. It was basically "Eh, I can't beat God, but I can sneak in a kick to the shin."