Thrown Roe

Ugh, I hate it when I can’t open my bottles of delicious, refreshing piss. Helps if you tap on the outsides of the cap with the handle of a knife.

I don’t mean to be rude, but in the time it took you to write this comment, you could’ve read the whole article.

“This is the earliest I remember this “regaining our/getting back in touch with our lost manhood” sentiment surfacing, though I may be wrong.”

It’s ok, bros. You don’t need a TV channel, because you have each other’s support. Bros before shows

C’mon, Cos. This is Philly. We are a tougher crowd than this. And you know it.

I think Miles is saying the opposite, that many laws only exist to punish behavior that’s unhelpful to certain powerful people and groups.

Come on, do you really not know how this works?

“Anonymous” there means “a journalist knew their names, and confirmed that they’re police officers, but agreed not to identify them by name.”

There’s a massive difference between anonymous stories (as in the reporter can confirm that they’re police officers they just aren’t giving the name) and unconfirmed stories (as in the people on reddit could literally be anyone pretending to be a cop).

Unconfirmed. The difference is that four separate sources confirmed the information in the story, albeit anonymously. The individual anecdotes were posted online and were not able to be corroborated, so they weren’t included. Basic journalism standards, adhered to.

It’s now on the promotional posters:

Yeah, thats why he’s been oddly silent. I can’t think of anything else that’s happened that would force Max Landis to run into hiding.

My favorite part was when he called Sam irrelevant, but was inspired enough by his words to write a comment.

I guess I really don’t understand the business model of Netflix. I assumed that it had to do with getting people to subscribe and remain subscribed. So how can a single movie (even one that *isn’t* terrible by most reviews) “buoy the service’s profits for the entire quarter”? Are they claiming that people subscribed

His criticism certainly seems to have pushed your buttons. 

Oh, and I can’t forget:

Because old men routinely die exerting themselves on the toilet and this was like a long Force dump.

Rogue One was definitely tighter.

+1 Punisher skull tattoo

Sounds like you meet the criteria, though.