Thrown Roe

You know, I sort of think that this conversation is worth having: what is acceptable workplace behavior, inter-office dating, when does behavior cross the line from rude to harassment, etc.

I was raised in Appalachia but occasionally would spend summers in Florida, does that mean I am qualified to write the definitive biography of swamp people?

Honestly never read this book after my sibling, in a fit of rage having grown poor-to-professional over 40 years and then getting whitesplained, threw it out the back door in a fit of rage.

Hillbilly Eligy was masturbatory garbage. Boo fucking hoo, JD.

Nude scenes in art films are comparable to C’mon....

So is nudity in any movie or show then considered exploitation no matter what, even when there is a contract? If so, I’m genuinely curious how, or even if you truly can, have scenes in film with nudity anymore.

This is the most ridiculous argument. She signed up to do work for him, and the work involved nudity. Was the nudity in the contract? Did she disagree with the nudity? Is there a problem with nudity in film? This wasn’t like some personal photography, she signed up to work on a film project and the film included

Until the Disaster Artist, the movies he had were SUPER low budget. Like, basically made for peanuts. Even big stars take salary cuts to do movies like that, so I feel like she was taking the same cut, and was being paid the same relative to what she’d be paid on a regular or big budget movie.

I get where you’re coming from, but it seems like it’s more an issue with the structure of capitalism than it is some Franko-specific thing, and it still doesn’t seem like it’s worth including here.

Yeah, but that’s not sexual misconduct, which is what this article called it.

To an extent, but is exploitation just any job you didn’t want to do for less money than you’d like? Because if so most jobs count. In an article about potential sexual assault, “his contracts don’t pay very well” seems like a weirdly petty thing to include.

If he did do some of those things he’s clearly horrible, but “my wages to do a nude scene weren’t as high as I would like” is a really lukewarm inclusion in this.

Non story. The only reason she was spotted under a highway underpass was simply because she was trying to get an interview with Johnny Manziel.

IDK that we need to come for Aziz Ansari, who literally made sexual harassment in entertainment a major plot point for Master of None season 2 AND let his co-writer Lena Waithe give 100% of the speech when they won their Emmy for best writing. He’s already done more than many creators and was probably was surprised he

I was being sarcastic. Crash is an awful film.

Shit, does this mean I can’t enjoy Crash anymore?

Well, I didn’t think it was possible, but he did something even worse than unleashing Crash on the world.

Eric Garland is not credible. He is more conspiracy minded then me and I investigate the pizza of gates and believe in the “draco” an evil alien race of lizard people.

A movie where Luke Skywalker drinks milk out of alien boobs seems “focus-grouped” to you?

Building 9-7!