Thrown Roe

Forum poster Eric Knudsen, under the pseudonym “Victor Surge”.

Bowzer? From Sha Na Na?

Drag Salerno? Salerno’s whole article and whole schtick is that diversity is bad for the US. Clearly you did not read the article to which HamNo referenced; Salerno deserves to be dragged.

But if you want to drag Salerno for be an evil racist in order to not examine the juvenile display I highlighted above, then so be it.

Salerno jumped in his time machine three years ago to get that nugget. I scrolled a year of Salerno’s tweets and two things stuck out:

Petty’s bandmates also deserve access to those royalties, as does his family.

Would Billy Bob Thornton’s music publisher be so litigious?

So what? Plenty of Poles end with a ‘ski.

The saving grace is that Andy Warhol would have loved this story.

“As Pro Football Talk noted, the Jaguars have in the past removed the tarps for previous regular-season games, but in the postseason.”

Eh, I always have enough time in the day to revel in Bono being a fucking wang.

I missed the marketing campaign too so am also unaffected by it. I think it’s their weakest album, but not a bad album. The only song(s) I don’t like is Infinite Content. Winn seems far more amused by that line than I am.

Uhhhh yeah dude this shit is scary. Wtf neighborhood do you live in? I live in deep NYC and I never think about what penetrates or stops an attacker or whatever the hell you are talking about. Jesus Christ, get a grip.

I’m hearing that rushing Chewbacca back to Kashyyyk for a Life Day celebration will figure prominently in the plot.

It’ll start with Han telling someone that he did the Kessel Run in under 12 parsecs. The next two hours is just an argument over whether parsecs measure time or distance.

to be fair, he is another example of toxic whiteness.

Man I read the original Something Awful thread this guy came from back in the day and I can't believe he's still a thing. I wonder if the original poster gets royalties on any of this stuff.