Thrown Roe

RAMPAGE: It’s my job to be repetitive. My job. My job. Repetitiveness is my job! I am going to go out there tonight and give the best performance of my life. 

Well done, everyone. Casting director, Sean O’Neal, James Franco(s), a real team effort.

I’m sure some actuary deep in the bowels of EA has determined that hiding a portion of the game behind microtransaction casino horseshit is more profitable than simply charging more for the finished product, but maaaan do people hate it.

Now there’s a nice list of 22-year-old celebrity namedrops! I believe Jose Canseco’s speculated lack of prowess was later confirmed in an ex’s biography.

I’m here to mock this guys looks from behind my computer screen. Dude looks like a potato failing to grow a beard.

Or, possibly, very careful of her, to not really even make her “ultimatum”. Does it stand? Not mentioned!

The separate social media embargo is fun, can a critic tweet out a star rating? Thread their entire review?

Well, now I’m thinking of the Season 2 Master of None subplot where Dev’s hitched his professional star to a serial sexual harasser

what’s this got to do with the washington post, bud?

A Gawker Article you say!? Like the one about Harvey Weinstein, YEARS AGO? How unreliable!

Solidarity and collective action can accomplish great things.

Netflix_White_Knight has logged on

Presumably some Netflix originals contain sponsored product placement, right? That seems like the only angle by which one of their business partners could demand vetted numbers.

With the standard caveat that Lynch ignored anything he didn’t want from Frost’s previous books when it came to The Return and would almost certainly ignore this one if they ever choose to make any more Twin Peaks.

If there’s one thing GoT -heads want, it’s more Harrington. “I can’t get enough glower!” they cry. Finally, HBO is giving us what we want, and really stripping away the ensemble cast, epic scope and CGI that has limited Kit from really showing off those abilities.

To clarify, I don’t really have any problem with the reviews. I think the critiques were fair, but the good outweighed the bad for me. The particular randomish assignment of writer-to-show sure ruined the reviewer’s day and the show’s scores, though!

I agree that building up the ADT guy all season only to not have him interact with anything else in the plot was a waste of time. I kind of question how useful anything developed by these (real life) techniques actually is. The killers interviewed have psychological profiles all over the place, so you create

I love that the guy assigned to review it seems to be the only one on the staff that didn’t like it.

DDL’s stature is precisely the reason I don’t believe it. He’s going to keep getting offered the best parts in the best scripts until the day he dies. Even if he turns down 99% of them, something is going to catch his interest again.

Given how frequently actors find themselves going back on their “final project” declarations, it seems a little weird to accept it at face value.