
I’ve never seen this movie. Is the Jewish caricature in it or is it just a meme?

One can only hope.

As a fellow spic, this article is total mierda.

What stings the most is knowing that, in this era of Game of Thrones and American Horror Story, it would have really thrived.

“the power-switch between Emma and Olive”

I am surprised by how much I want to watch “Inferno”. I think Langdon’s new haircut has a lot to do with it.

“Star” is kind of a strong word for bargain-bin!Steve Rogers.

Except, 99% of the time, trailer songs aren’t part of the world-building. Everyone understands it’s just marketing. See: every single song in the Game of Thrones trailers.

It helps that this trailer is edited much better than the Trek one.

Exactly. It’s entirely possible that he truly learned from this awful mistake and realized what he’d done wrong, but the way he talks about it now is pretty shitty.

My personal circumstances are relevant when you’re calling me a homophobe for expressing a stupid opinion that all of three people have read. Like, I feel so stupid for caring about what some pathetic troll with an anime avatar says about me, but here I am having a panic attack over your stupid comment about my

Yes!!! I love her!

1996 Hillary could get it.

Your unyielding rhetoric is absolutely exhausting. But, you have made me realize how insufferable I have been to other people on the Internet by making blanket assumptions about them and calling them names when I don’t know their personal circumstances. So, thanks, I guess. This has been a very internally enlightening

I watched The Shining for the first time right after finishing the book. I dry-heave whenever I hear someone gush about what a great movie it is. It’s iconic, but it’s an absolutely shitty adaptation.

I don’t wanna sacrifice anybody. What’s wrong with you?? Jesus.

By speaking out against gay!Sulu, he’s unwittingly giving ammo to the homophobes who would predictably lash out against it. Now they’ll say “George Takei is against it!” instead of saying what they really mean, which is that “gay!Sulu is gross!”. I think George should have foreseen that, and should have kept his

I honestly feel like George should have stayed mum on this one thing. He’s only validating the people who think that beloved characters shouldn’t be “retconned” by “turning them gay” (as if Sulu having a wife and kids meant that he couldn’t possibly be attracted to men). I don’t think that’s what he meant to do, but

I’m guessing he was leaving the house, got out to check something, and the car rolled back down and pinned him to the wall.