Raymond Luxury-Yacht

Bernard Sumner Bad Lyrics Appreciation Society Thread

Well the thing is Facebook lets you control which of your genitals is public and which of your genitals is private.

This sounds interesting, but there’s no way they’re going to trick me into watching Season 4 again.

Yeah, the fun thing with this feature is that more stuff than you’d think hit the Billboard top 200. This was also the year of Blonde Redhead’s 23, a great album — but every one of their albums since Misery Is A Butterfly has hit the top 200.

“We’re gonna make them eat our shit, then shit out our shit, and then eat their shit that’s made up of our shit that we made then eat”

YOU FUCK SOAP???????111

I had balcony seats when I saw MBV in 2009, which worked out pretty well although I should have used the earplugs

“If you are flammable and have legs, you should never listen to Father John Misty”

So true. These five albums will be Kanye’s “The Beaver”.

If we’re doing hot takes, then I want you to know two things, one, hot takes are a total Kanye move, and two, Nirvana wasn’t that great.

How vibrant is the community, really? Eh, Who’s to say? It don’t matter to my shuffle button!

Ketchup is not good on anything. Mayo has limited sandwich/salad applications.

I’ve been reading Ulysses S. Grant’s memoirs. They are very long and very dry, with the majority of it describing troop movements that are difficult to parse out without a map in front of you. The parts to read for are when he describes his opinion on historic personalities and events, which are always interesting and

Those are good ones, but if you haven’t heard the Suicide Machines cover of I Never Promised You a Rose Garden, you should really check it out.

I saw a bear once when I was running, but it was alive so eh.

Once I was riding down in the elevator, and when I got to the bottom floor, a fireman pulled the door open and asked “Were you stuck?” and I said I wasn’t.

This has all the makings of some great man-boy erotica.

I love Julia Holter! WHAT A COINCIDENCE!

Paul McCartney vs Pete Townsend

Woah, flashback to that time U2 covered Linkin Park!