*Clicks on flower pot*
*Clicks on flower pot*
So 4 albums? Because I would def include “+’Justments” in that characterization.
You incorrectly assume I consider “On The Road” to be a good book.
If you read it as a teenager you would have liked it.
I mean, the “nonfiction” chapters are filled with bad science and glowing descriptions of whaling, which are not just boring but grating to read, and if they’re not twice as long as the action chapters (which are admittedly pretty good), they sure feel like it. I mean, I read Ulysses and liked it, but Moby Dick is…
Scott McKenzie is doing pretty well for himself these days, thank you very much!
Calling it now, Gen Z will gift us the ironic soul patch.
I’m all for the Cate Le Bonnaissance. Sometime after Mug Museum she started getting a lot weirder, and it’s paradoxically made her more popular than ever. I support that.
No, you Lord Andre. Vidal Gor.
Yeah, but James Doohan’s remains don’t work for cheap.
Is there time to get submissions in before the deadline for the “20 worst commentariat stiffies of 2019" article?
I was there when Chuck Forrest made his first bounce. I said “Don’t do it that way. You will never make a dime.”
Of course Domestica counts. It has a narrative and characters — it’s probably more of a concept album than The Ugly Organ is, really.
D.C. gets a delegate to USAKB48 that may not contribute musically.
Let’s see who we have here...
Careful son! You’re bound to hurt somebody bandying about hot takes like that all willy-nilly through the internet!
i can smell the VD in the church tonight
I actually like their subsequent albums better than Black Up, but if you like hip-hop, they might not be your thing -- they’re something else entirely.