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    Except the part that matters. Fingers crossed we get to see the LEGEND in season 3.

    I still can't decide if Hildi needs to be executed for her crimes or given an award for post-modern house art.

    Big Bacon has no shame at all.

    the Rand Corporation, in conjunction with the saucer people

    I can't tell if it was the move to TBS or something else, but I was bummed we never got another high concept Jeff-in-Space episode. The rest of that plot was just so bland.

    I'm going to miss Kevin's unbridled rage. And of course his massive penis.

    I just looked up what a hassock was before having an existential crisis as to why I was legitimately researching a Garfield comic. I think I may need to rethink my life.

    But it has a Nolan attached to it, and robots, and twists, and probably thinks it's smarter than it actually is, so of course nerds are over-analyzing it obsessively.

    Just you wait. There's gonna be so many YouTube speedruns with naked Link. What a time to be alive.

    He IS weirdly fascinated by how she was killed off: getting rammed by the pointy end of a boat.

    If they ever find the teamwork skills to make a flash mob, God help us all.

    Out of all the shows they could choose, they chose the California Raisins?!

    Man, the new Power Rangers movie is getting out of hand with their stunt casting. For real though, I almost wish THIS was Goldar.

    Honestly, in my experience, it really depends on which Imo's you go to. For some reason, most of them are franchised, and have wildly different qualities. The downtown one in the hilton was great, but my local one in Illinois tends to flipflop from meh to just subpar.

    I for one welcome this trend.

    Yeah, you'd think with all of the comedians in this movie, there would be a little self awareness and intentional camp, but i'm not seeing ANY of that in these trailers.

    Okay, so I know people keep comparing the show's style to the film's. But wasn't Soddenfeld involved with the film heavily before being let go? Could the film's style have been his doing as well?

    As a government employee who gets confused about that, but who also plays Final Fantasy XIV, BLM also stands for Black Mage. So my entire life is cognitive dissonance now.

    I bet the maybe-CIA-maybe-not psych sessions he attended would be a rabbit hole that would be a bit too weird for TV.