
Sooo....looking at the prOnz right before you work out will allow you to have a more effective workout? Has anyone alerted Playboy about this marketing potential?!!!

What, couldn't at least put up the "Surfing With the Alien" album cover?

umm...that is frakking hilarious. No really, funniest thing I've seen in weeks.

Earlier image fail....sad...

Sorry...I just couldn't resist...c'mon cut me some slack!!!! Please?

Now, now...let's not lose focus...

Great photo. I saw it up close at the MFA here in really do feel as though Churchill is staring right through you. The photographer was incredibly brave or legendarily stupid to purposely annoy him like that, regardless of how brilliant the photo is.

Ah...Mission: the good ol' days before Tom Cruise's insanity was confirmed...such an innocent time...

Indeed, this goes to the heart of the matter: where does the right to corporate profits end and the public good begin? Can the two co-exist? Clearly not all corporations are bad and profit in not a four-letter word: in a capitalist society, everyone has to make a profit to survive but it's the percentage / amount that

The purists will laugh at me, but I like a nice blend...I recommend Woodford Reserve for your trusty flask...I never go to the slopes without it

Hmm...this could really bring Olympic Ski Jumping to another level. Rocket Ski Jumping? Guaranteed ratings bonanza.

I might've gone with "En garde!" No?

Actually, I do wonder what Xzihbit is up to nowadays...

Are you suggesting the editor is an animal?

Very intriguing...I didn't know about the 1/2 second "time-out". While I've never been involved in a quiz show like "Jeopardy", I was a track sprinter (hurdler, technically) and, in those circumstances, even 1/4 second difference in reaction time is HUGE. If so, Watson has an almost insurmountable advantage, all other

"Horatio, a mother was tased after leaving her baby in the car to go to a tanning booth!"

It's probably been mentioned already but...why is it necessary to go to a tanning Florida?

Agreed. There is nothing overtly racist in the comments that I've read, and I truly believe the vast majority commenters have no ill will in their's all meant in good fun and frankly I chuckled a couple of times.

Haha...totally. I can just picture it: dad sees a Harrier for auction on eBay, has childhood dreams flash before his eyes, does a quick calculation of how much of his 401(k) he can liquidate. Bam! He makes a bid.