
“Note that under medications taken in the last month, Pacquiao lists Lidocaine (painkiller, Bupivacaine (painkiller), Celestone (anti-inflammatory steroid), platelet-rich plasma, and Toradol (painkiller). Our boxers are as doped-up as our racehorses.”


It’s a small “some” at best, I imagine....? Obviously there are fans of the NBA north of the 49th parallel, but those who grew up in Canada, and played the Sport of Kings, are not really paying attention to the NBA at this time. I have nothing against the NBA at all, aside from the fact that hockey is a winter sport

Now playing

THIS is the most Canadian video ever made.....

Hockey playoffs are on, bud. I don’t think anyone in Canada is aware of the NBA at this time of the year.

“What does Jezebel do? I’ve never heard of her.” LOL!!!! That is the best line....thank you for posting this. I needed a laugh this AM.

Athletes - intelligence + money = obviously.

On top of a mountain in the bright sunshine, and not a single pair of sunglasses. Not one. That’s what’s most strange to me in all these photos.

I think the Russians and other European Countries are just jealous that the worthless drunks keep on winning Gold Medals and populating way more of the NHL than they do. I mean, Canada cannot stop winning Gold Medals in international competitions, in men’s *and* women’s ice hockey, and compose more than half the

Dude put his team up by a run? Pretty reserved. Think of how Neon Deion would have handled that situation.

Buccigross used to host NHL2Night on ESPN in 1994-1996.....he knows hockey. He is my favourite announcer for hockey ever.

what model is that, exactly? Looks the color

Interesting they have Colorado Springs on there (population 678K) but they don't have Atlanta (pop 5.6M).

You'll hate the video; it's shot in landscape aspect. There aren't any huge black bars of nothingness on either side of the video, and you see far too much of the action all at once.

I just watched it.....what a great insight into the NHL. Thank you for the recommendation.

"Expensive power sidesteps cling to their vulnerable mounting points in terror as you soak them with mud."

I didn't have a dog in this race, but was sorta rooting for Brady and the Pats, and when Seattle turned it over, I was like every single person watching the game, from ages 9-99, anyone could see that the play call was absurd. I mean, why? I have been watching some of the reaction videos fans record of themselves,

I didn't have a dog in this race, but was sorta rooting for Brady and the Pats, and when Seattle turned it over, I was like every single person watching the game, from ages 9-99, anyone could see that the play call was absurd. I mean, why? I have been watching some of the reaction videos fans record of themselves,

That was just delicious humor. Nice work, sir. +1

NICE!! +1