"WHY? Why would any thinking, reasonable, rational person want to pledge a group that expects such dehumanizing nonsense?"
"WHY? Why would any thinking, reasonable, rational person want to pledge a group that expects such dehumanizing nonsense?"
I read somewhere there's been something like 2,000 security breaches per year since 2001. I read that 2-3 years ago, so I can only imagine how wide the variation of that number is :P
Seriously? Why the fuck is this guy popular? As someone who avoids the living shit out of almost all television, I'm only vaguely aware of him as a person.
By 'damaged his reputation' he meant to say 'reminded the younger generations of his reputation'
By 'damaged his reputation' he meant to say 'reminded the younger generations of his reputation'
I learnt offa youtube!
"They sold a tho-"
This theory has actually sparked interest in me for Destiny. Up till around now I've had to constantly remind myself what the hell it was whenever I heard people discussing it.
I don't know what it is but when I see a slavic name attached to artwork, I know I'm gonna be hooked. I think its what makes me fall in love so easily with quirky russian games. Hammerfight anyone!?
"I hope the final plot twist is that we were the Cacodemon all along." Thats been a dream of mine ever since I was a wee little 12 year old annihilating demons with glee. I want a Doom where I can play as an imp, or an arch-vile or whatnot. It'd be glorious, think of the deathmatch :D
well, some clever guy in red lobster's sales and marketing released their cheddar biscuits as a premade mix. So, I expect the restaurant to fold in a year or two as people realize they're available to eat without fake plastic naval shit.
That is the most sound explanation I've heard. Very few people amongst us humans are adventurous, especially about our food. Though to be fair, for the vast majority of our existence, being adventurous about your food meant having a short life.
Not really crazy so much as stupid, nor is it much of a story, but there is a pervasive trend in southern italian themed restaurants to ask if you want 'white sauce' or 'red sauce' on pasta dishes. You should let that one roll around a bit, its agonizing when you really let it take hold.
go play DoomRL, that combines turn based gaming with Doom and it works beautifully.
I'm absolutely in love with the updates and takes on Doom. Brutal Doom feels so purely like what was originally intended
hah the idea of that makes me strangely happy
All I hear are snapshots from various warner brothers cartoons :D
dunno, i'll try running it and give you feedback over on steam
Oh I noticed that, I'm fair certain I can't run it smoothly :D
Hah yeah I've seen that deathshead floating around, and I remember the unknown contact from way back.