I adore that game, and watching the mechanics evolve has been half the fun :P
I adore that game, and watching the mechanics evolve has been half the fun :P
"And yet...you can put all the notices and warnings on an early access game all you want, but once you start taking people's money, you're taking on their expectations, however unfair they may be."
holy shit. Her entire career is an art performance homage to Tracy Jordan!
lol, yeah they've influenced the mp3 players I buy. I stick with the 20-30 dollar sony/samsung/rca players that last well beyond 4-5 years and have all the functions of a regular cd player. Because they do exactly what they're designed to do and aren't burdened with the reorganizing demon that is itunes. Or does…
Reading the bits of emails (especially about randy's behavior) and that proposition document (holy fuck, is that how corporate game companies look at their market?) I can't help but think of all those tell all memoirs of wall street in the '80s. By which I mean, it sounds like theres a lot of coke being used by…
sadly no, its a breech-loader
"When the bacon was gone, she ate the bacon grease-soaked bread with some syrup and whipped cream." Ah god. I'm still cringing. I've slowly contracted into a ball just imagining dealing with this person.
those poooooooooooor dead pixels. so many virtual souls snuffed out. its like abortion amirite?
yeah, I mean thats the reason people do weird ports (we built a functional galaga arcade machine in minecraft!) or hack stuff (we reconfigured this electric shaver to run LoL!), its personally entertaining. As a business decision? That's stupid.
Ahahaaha God I love Brutal Doom :D
Makes me wish the MUD I wrote my cat Jones into was still active.
every moba player ever?
Heheheh the new Shadow Warrior's quad-barrelled shotgun is pretty glorious. Actually that entire game is pretty glorious. Lo Wang is the man.
HAHAHA Militant Gandhi Simulator
hey, I seent Samurai Champloo. Clearly this is a large gay dutchman who just wants to experience the freedom from persecution of Edo japan's culture.
Maybe we could work as a community to reducing the constant shittiness that our community exhibits, thus removing the need for rants like this studio made in the first place.
I think its a combination of both, as well as the 'customer is always right' mentality. Add a dash of the extremism and rampant 'us vs. them' bullshit and you have the current gaming community.
I agree with them, I end up turning off chat on a lot of games because the gamer community has become so entitled and fucking vile in the last 15 years its more hassle than its worth. Meeting someone in a game who isn't a righteous asshole is pretty rare. And the complaints people have about games just mystify me…
There's a few 'treatment' facilities in the US for it, but from what I've read they seem to be about as useless and insane as most other 'youth treatment facilities'. I do know there have been people legally prohibited from using electronic devices, but the only case I know of where that happened also got overturned…
lol I remember being upset with the sudden 180-degree turn in the graphics style when it got shown outside of say, PC Gamer magazine :P