

I don't get how a topic is suddenly less worthy simply because new awareness has brought other problems to light.

Mayor John D'Amico calls it a "stupid phrase I should probably lose my job for saying"

What a lot of people who replied to you don't realize is that consoles are the reason exclusivity is a thing. Well, that and things like game stop and the increasing corporate-based decisions in the industry. Apple (as a non gaming but related example) for instance has built their entire business plan on

I have to agree. Though subsequent play-throughs have eased my initial dislike of it, I've never once had any complaints about how it looked.

Hah I loved the Doom books, but then I was like 13-14 when I found them so. Nostalgia would probably have me still enjoying the hell out of them. Until the 3rd one. And the 4th. God the Doom books derailed quick.

Next up: the guy who mods that mod to bring in the Smite gods and make it 3rd person

HAHAH goddamn I've waited for someone to pull that argument out for so long :D

Its increasingly rare but I knew at least 2 classmates in high school (2003 or so) who were in sexless relationships until after they married. Or if not sexless, then their hilariously obvious and complete lack of familiarity with genitalia was well acted :P

Yeah actually, that level impressed me because of that. I wouldn't shoot civilians who were running but I found myself shooting people who were already clearly on death's door. And then the end of the level completely kicked me in the face.

hahahahahaha Visit the south sometime. Theres still couples who are virginal till marriage. Cause nothing results in a healthy marriage like finding out that you and your partner are completely sexually incompatible on your honeymoon!

Indeed Ken!

Cause everyone knows Australians LOVE them some rabbits, right? Right guys? Aussies are cool with rabbits yeah?

hah, indeed. And belligerent asshole is rather polite.

As someone who worked in an Outback for 7 years and constantly dealt with customers who routinely complained because they knew their meal would be comped and free: This. I've come to the conclusion that 'the customer is always right' has almost killed the idea of politeness.

While I love Crytek, Homefront was so absolutely bad I felt like it was a step away from actually laughing at me for thinking it might've been interesting. When I saw it got a sequel my jaw dropped.

I hate to point this out but that graph is over 40 years old. Not to say its completely irrelevant but really, a graph from before seatbelts were required by law?

I can explain everything: Meth or Coke and 5 days straight without sleep. Bam.