
I pirate a game that I'm unsure of when they refuse to provide a demo. I then buy it if I like what I see. I prefer playing it at a friends first however, rather than torrenting it. If more companies provided worthwhile demos and hadn't been releasing such craptastic products based on nothing but fan loyalty, I'd

A guy I know who worked for CPS said that exactly that sort of thing was about 75% of his calls. Yes, people really are that shitty.

lol right, no guy has ever turned down sex based on emotional reasons. I totally didn't deny multiple beautiful but terrible women at the restaurant I worked at because the idea of being associated with them bothered me. Just because men are convinced in this society that they have to have sex whenever, all the

For me it all grows organically based on what I'm thinking about and the style I want at the time. Nothing I build is unified, but its definitely sprawling.

.... you two completely miss the entire point so badly its almost painful. If they had wanted, they could've coded up the entire city and ported it straight into minecraft, there's been several projects that did exactly that. Its almost as though they enjoy the act of placing everything just so. Like its a game, or

holy shit, trite questions about sports?! no way!

How in the hell would you know the lifespan of a near-brand new product is? A PS4 hasn't even EXISTED for 6-8 years. Yeah, I'm sure they designed it to last at least that long, but you've not paid much attention lately if you think all company promises are flawless.

Oh noes, not the wordy dirds! Anything but 'strong language'! Seriously, what the fuck is the point of having words in a language if you're never going to use them. Never mind the letter is clearly written as an angry response and those words were appropriate for the tone. Are you quite sure you get humor? Cause

I find that people who are offended about this sort of thing and hold such strong opinions about other peoples' exact thought processes without knowing anything at all, are really exhibiting their own hang-ups.

I dunno, but the furor that arose from the box art unveil for Farcry 4 shows that some people have that ability apparently :P

I just wanted to say: thank you for doing actual reporting. This highlights all the faults and properly presents several solutions, all without sounding like a commercial for lockheed. Well done sir, you win an internets.

rofl, clearly you've never been inside one for any reason.

I thought Fallout 2 portrayed the spectrum nicely. Even so far as allowing you to work as a sex worker, albeit in pretty seedy (haw haw haw) circumstances. As either gender to boot.

Exactly, Slender Man is an internet ghost story: one of the oldest forms of story telling around.

Clearly the solution is to set up a licensing body who says who can and can't decide to make a game on a cheap budget. Are we really having this conversation? Too many games?