Three Points

Was not expecting to see Roxborough being through around in the Deadspin comments section today, so thank you.

Besides probably billiards, is there a better game/sport than bowling to hustle someone? Most people are bad bowlers, and do it once a year at the absolute most. If you were legit good at bowling, how often would you hustle unsuspecting friends, coworkers, acquittances?

How do the Hive and Fallen react when it starts to rain methane? Does it bother them?

Stories like this make me happy. I like to think when I’m in the Crucible, getting knocked around, the guy on the other side of the screen is someone incredibly famous who kills his (of her!) spare time by playing Destiny.

And the new podcast app stinks. Just awful.

Where have I seen that train scene before?

iOS 11 kinda stinks. Every day I find something I dislike, or a userface I find super ugly.

Word. Dead Orbit is my favorite faction.

Freakonomics had John Urschel on recently. They talked about selection bias...

(Learns he’s being put into carbon freeze)


Legendary mods don’t come back if you accidentally apply another mod, do they? :( 

Well, my Philly neighborhood (not Center City) has 2 Wawas sooooo....

Meh. I’m not too concerned. I honestly never gave much thought to the look of my Warlock, for example. It was “Hey this looks cool today” and used that for a while.

So shaders last forever, but they’re just tied to a piece of gear? Do I have that right?

Who predicted 6 to 8 inches of Snow?

Sweetened coffee...barf.

This is a bad take and you should feel bad. Why stick around, being an OK player on a good team, than be a very good player on a good team? I don’t get why you wouldn’t do that.

Here’s a question I always ask myself.

I don’t know. I’ve been to 5 Union games this year, and there are tons of kids there. Even in my section, there’s a fair share of families and what appears to be local/town soccer teams. Many of those kids are wearing their little league soccer jersey.