Crap. I conflated the business continuity “what happens if they get hit by a bus” metaphor with the “getting hit by a car” deadspin list meme. I was wrong, and I humbly repent.
Crap. I conflated the business continuity “what happens if they get hit by a bus” metaphor with the “getting hit by a car” deadspin list meme. I was wrong, and I humbly repent.
Look at Mr. Not-in-the-Bible-belt-with-his-fourth-grade-health-class over here.
I’m so happy to see all this Storm Duck love. I’m a newcomer to the bandwagon, but I’m now all-in for Storm Duck.
And also such a better name than Truman Peyote, which I think is just a weak rhyming reference. Just appreciate the spondaic strength of Storm Duck. I’m a believer in Storm Duck.
I applied for a technical writer position and corrected the grammar of the posting. I did not get the position. In the bygone days, I would have said that an editor is responsible for that stuff; if the piece is good enough, then the editor should be taking care of that. Nowadays, I don’t know. Editors, and copy…
+1 being hit by a bus
Same thing I was thinking. Either the Dodgers on their own, or MLB, could say that, at the least, the next home game is empty. And the Dodgers need to think about what they can start doing proactively about their stadium situation. Also, bring relegation to American sports.
+1 Room of one’s own
Hey, no disrespect. None. No disrespect at all, but, man. Deicide. We’re talking about Deicide here. It ain’t disrepect to lose to Deicide.
What happens in July of 2024 when the entire country of Japan descends upon Cooperstown? When does that clock start? Is it ‘24 or ‘25? Doesn’t matter. It’s going to be insane.
Ignore these philistines. I am honored to know you, sir, and to have heard of your wisdom.
I’ve heard that for awards of this sort, only a particular scene is offered forth for the process of either nominating or awarding. The people that vote are only looking at what the producers have provided. I’m not 100% sure about any of this. I’d like to know, myself. But if true it can explain why a film with a…
I’ve deleted my rant reply to say one thing only: I’m absolutely delighted to find a correct usage of “can not” as two words. Writing “can not” when you mean “cannot” is rampant, but this was correct and beautiful:
I’m not *defending* anything. How you get from a quick response to the question “Off-topic, what is with the word ‘nation-states’” (emphasis mine) to “you’re defending a crypto- like Frum” is beyond me. I’m done with you and your rabbit hole.
Good for his lawyers. I hope Russ fights this for 3 years, and car-boy here has to retain counsel throughout.
I’m not saying any usage trumps any other usage. I made no claims about usage rates, and that’s a specific argument we can take up somewhere else. I was responding to the specific question “what is with the word ‘nation-states’”, and trying to explain a possible reasoning behind the usage that is purely speculative on…
Nice. That is great, and needs more love. What’s the source?
I’m not sure it was as widely recognized as you say. It may have been a widely-used rhetorical device while simultaneously seizing the power that those changes enabled, but I think a lot of people changed and welcomed those changes. I wish people had taken the warning more seriously.
Think of the Canadian term “First Nations.” A nation in old-timey language refers to a people (like a tribe). A state is a political entity. A nation-state is a specific government entity representing a specific people, and so it is entirely antithetical to the American system. We are specifically *not* a…