Good luck with the replies. I’m not sure I really want to read the Frum piece, myself. I’m all for nuance, though.
Good luck with the replies. I’m not sure I really want to read the Frum piece, myself. I’m all for nuance, though.
This should be half-time for the next Jamboroo for posts that make me want to run through a brick wall.
It’d be interesting to cross-reference this with the chart of Phoenix’s other “big-time” wins.
Which reminds me: Rom is still the best toy-based comic of all time.
Okay, so that Wikipedia article was harrowing.
You have a point, I guess; but for me, I’ll always associate him primarily with Inglourious Basterds.
Yeah, I think that’s probably more accurate, sadly enough.
Exactly. Portnoy doubles down every time he gets called out. At this rate, he’s filled a hundred chessboards with wheat.
So my question is, was this showing that Brad Stephens can totally handle this? Is the win because of the big brain on Brad? Does Albert have two mea culpas?
Yeah, I think I just realized that about myself, too.
It’s the only way to be sure.
And the linked article is from a former Jezebel writer. It comes full circle.
I have a passion for crossword puzzles.
And the salty Pats fans shall descend upon ye! And, lo, the fires of their wrath shall be forlorn and desolate, and e’en unto the sixth generation they shall curse you.
A 15-cm tip? So, if like...ratio...numbers....say 4:1 shaft-to-tip...2.54 cm to inch...holy hell!!
Okay, fine. I will join with everyone else in delight that you’re here.
“Reservation for Mrs. Brown-Assman. Paging Brown-Assman.”
The greatest irony is that GRRM specifically started these novels as a reaction to the constraints of writing television: he wanted huge, unwieldy, epic casts, and a story that couldn’t be contained by television.