Constipation can *literally* tear you a new asshole.
Constipation can *literally* tear you a new asshole.
The history/research on circumcision is all over the place. I’m not sure that it can really *help* with a decision, though. Like you said, it’s weird. The research, last I read, seemed to be in favor as circumcision seems to reduce some health issues later (lower incidences of STD transferral is one I remember…
If you’re looking at birth plans, please consider what’s popularly known as “The Bradley Method”. Take a class, and be an advocate.
But what *actual* Simon & Simon references could be used? Asking for 9-year-old me.
Also, obligatory:
I’ll hate on marketing as much as anyone, but a) the first line of that resume is most likely “previously worked at the NBA as a senior vice president” or “experience with sports governing bodies” and b) they’re going to need some decent marketing after they unfuck things. So, yeah, it sucks in that the implication is…
It’s nice to see this show up in the feed every now and then. I bookmarked this page back in the pre-Kinja years.
Thank God someone wrote this. It is most definitely a circle jerk. Not to go off on a tangent, but it’s also just a never-ending outrage machine. An empty outrage machine. So little of this “purity olympics” (I’m stealing that, sorry) actually results in any significant change, and nobody’s trying to talk about what…
Don’t you insult his mother like that.
Check out The Psychopath Test, by Jon Ronson
For Science!
I’d be interested in seeing that research. Do you have any specific articles or researchers you’d recommend?
It was fun while it lasted, I guess?
Absolutely (but I have to confess I never even made it to the end of Boyhood, and it took me more than one watching to get to the end of Birdman, after which I was so glad I didn’t see it in theaters).
But the Jackson Maine voice is just his impression of Sam Eliot, who did him a solid by showing up on set.
I think the joke is that Murd is the only one of his species who can see and doesn’t use echo-location.
The lines moving away from the figures in the foreground are horizontal. Gravity is pulling from the left-hand side of this photo. Am I missing something?
Don’t you even know how many days there are in a week, bro?