Your book is very short, then.
Your book is very short, then.
I got out of the grays, like, a month ago, and I’m still drunk with power.
Yeah, I think you hit it on the head: it’s not a-political at all, just very, very messy, and there isn’t a convenient left/right political mapping function for the fanbases.
I once consulted this to find out who to root for (or play as in FIFA ‘14):
Jim Belushi’s best skit:
TREBEK HAS THE ANSWERS! He’s never been able to compete on that show, goddammit.
WTF Drew? I told my son he could root for anybody *but* the Skins. It was great getting rid of that fandom. You had a fucking chance to stop one from forming, and you threw it away!
The note says “Millenials refers to the population ages 18 to 34 as of 2015". Maybe they only start counting when the person turns 18, but they allow for the more entries until the 2000 cut-off point (?). The age range given is birth years 1981 to 1997 (18-year-olds in 2015), which is a weird cut-off point.
Are you calling us slackers? Because we’ve been called slackers before. And you know what we did about it? Exactly.
I’m salty about the whole “Boomers were immediately followed by millenials” bullshit. Young people are a threat to rational fucking thinking.
I’m more of a fan of Rob Neyer’s writing than I am of baseball. I’ve loved his stuff for years and years.
I honestly can’t tell if you got the joke or not. The Seahawks (but not their head coach) were mentioned once in the article, though, so...
Where is your dad, so that I may high-five him for his virility? Or, alternatively, so that I may scold him for allowing the three-year-old (I assume) access to the burner?
What seems to be happening is there’s a conflation of “a Trump ad” with “an ad paid for by the Trump campaign”. It is not guaranteed that they are the same, but I think several of the comments are treating them as the same in their analysis. I believe you are correct in pointing out the difference.
I think he’s already proved capable of hurdling that particular bar.
What kind of rich-ass white people have open house during the school day? We get to lose our dinner time for the annual open house.
Never gets old
It’s all to minimize skin contact on anything in the bathroom. You gotta sometimes touch the door to close it, you know.
You should embrace it the way John Oliver embraced his look-a-like.