Third Person Omnivorous

The first sentence of your quote reminded me of this recent article:

The source material doesn’t exactly scan perfectly either.

It worked! Good jerb!

Fun fact: after an NBA career, he went back to coaching at his high school alma mater and winning the state championship.

Developing story: construction industry execs invest in Edmonton NHL franchise.

Yeah, I’m an idiot. I guess it was less the comments that surprised me than the dislike/like ratio on the video. You very rarely see a corporate-produced video with a large built-in audience have a greater than 1 dislike-to-like ratio.

John Oliver had a main story on this recently. Did you see the youtube comments section? It was MAGA Brazil-style. A ton of comments in Portugues about how great this fucker is and how John Oliver should shut up. It was scary.

Um. What if he’s just African?

Um. What if he’s just African?

The comments and reaction to that video were kinda hostile. The Brazilian Krav-MAGA crowd is...well, like every equivalent reactionary fascist right-wing crowd. But he does have the best finger bangers.

I think maybe burn the in-laws and divorce the jammies.

Note to self: Do *not* go swimming with this guy.

I don’t necessarily disagree, but...sometimes when people are just making themselves look like they’re trying, they end up trying, because it’s a lot of work to look like something and not just go ahead and fucking do it, and you can hate on the NBA and corporations and all that shit, but really, if they look like

Your first sentence reminds me of this.

Agreed. Starvation of civilians as a method of warfare is a war crime”. Tell that to the Burghers of Calais. Civilians fled from battlefields to “protection” which was then the primary target of siege.

Re: baby names. When my kids were born, I checked the ranking of the baby names we considered against the Social Security database for their popularity. None of my kids were in the top 40, and that was deliberate. When I’m on vacation, I give myself a little pat on the back when the kids’s names don’t show up on a key

I stopped reading to go get some chicken.

Console and PC game companies have learned the Zynga/Gamespot lesson. They want some of that sweet, sweet micropayment money. And their marketing department shows that people are willing to pay. Unfortunately, the comparison of the two is going to happen. To be clear, I agree with you, and I disagree with “Swiftence”,

This guy scares me. This casual acceptance—and even delight—at having branding in the game is a hallmark of “the way things are now.”

No. This website shits on Andy Reid for his (nonexistent) clock management skills. They’ve been duly respectful of his play-calling and design. I mean, it’s not just this website. Everybody knows Andy Reid is an offensive savant. He’s an amazing head coach with a glaringly huge blindspot. He cannot manage the clock,