Third Person Omnivorous

“Hey, what are you going to do with your graduate degree in Linguistics?

This. It’s like we’re forever adolescents believing no one else has been through what we’re going through. It’s a paradox that change is constant, but the underlying processes seem to just repeat. The particulars change, but the cycle continues.

This guy’s sole purpose seems to be defending the Pats’ honor on Deadspin. Weird.

The comma undercuts the point. It’s confusing because it’s there at all.

It’s a great article, and it gets shout-outs a lot around here. The author, Tom Junod, was in the documentary about Mr. Rogers, “Won’t You Be My Neighbor”.

Thank you! I suppose I could have googled it, so thank you Internet Person for both the useful info and the non-sarcastic delivery!

Thank you! I suppose I could have googled it, so thank you Internet Person for both the useful info and the non-sarcastic delivery!

Jesus gonna be here. He gonna be here soon.

It would be interesting to have some shout-outs to other films of the same year. “Down With Love” is still an awesome movie.

I fell for it. I thought you were totally the same guy! I gave him stars and everything! I feel dirty and used.

Perhaps you just saw this:

The ideal was *always* “loyalty to the rich”. If the rich are morons, well, meh. That ideal hasn’t changed a jot.

Anne Frank--great gal. Real looker. Not as good-looking as my daughter. Have you seen my daughter? If she wasn’t my daughter, I’d try to date her. But that Anne Frank! Yeah, I could have had her.

Dude, switch sides. Just root against everything that team does and you will find happiness.

The brain thing is only allowed in Defending Your Life. All other references are crap.


Uh, no. 1996-1997. He did it all by himself.

Not to be too disagreeable, but have you actually compared any “based on a true story” movies to their “true stories”? It’s not like they’ve ever *not* fundamentally changed the facts.

You’re damn right you better run!

I adore that movie, and Thompson’s “choke-up” scene during the proposal is an absolute master class.