Third Person Omnivorous

I say fuck you, Jobu. I do it myself.

Something that I see a lot of with younger people is conflating “discussing race” with “racism”. It’s like they’re all so terrified of talking about race that even discussions of racial inequality get accusations of racism.

One thanksgiving, my cousin and her husband wanted to host. They were pretty stoked for being able to do something for my parents, who had been hosting them for so long. That night, my dad went up from the basement (where the TV was) to the kitchen for his turkey sandwich. My cousin-in-law, not knowing what to do with

You dirty son-of-a-bitch. Maybe “ASS-tana” is funnier.

Dude starts out the day pissed off; it’s not like you had to do anything. I’ve been gray for something like 5 years. Also, I contribute nothing to any discussion.

Can we do something for Dusty? Does he have like a gofundme or anything?

Holy crap. I have never seen so much vitriol being directed at such an innocuous comment as what you’ve received for feeling bad that something like this happened. I’m genuinely taken aback by the reactions you got. Like, I really, really don’t get the “way to make it about you” comments. What other perspective can

I mean, he did give us the image of the wanton Welfare abusers—based on the story of a single person.

Well, I was thinking of James Gunn, who is a public figure but not involved in sports. He did the “I totally regret my past tweets” and had already deleted them, and still lost a lucrative position. He’s probably going to continue to get hired and has gotten a lot of sympathy, but he did lose a very nice job.

Agreed, but what about outside of sports? To be honest, the stuff that’s happening in sports is better for the athletes than it is for workers in other industries.

My first thought reading this was about more than sports, though. I think the best current example is James Gunn and/or Roseanne Barr.

This list is wrong because blah blah blah. That’s not the point. WTF is wrong with Barry? I used to like him and he thinks Tom & Jerry are Looney Tunes?

Well, look at the calculation they make. To them, special means the world owes you something. Which is true when that something is “respect for being a human being struggling through existence” and not true when that something is “more cookies and juice than the other kids get.” Guess which interpretation the supply

Hey, since you may know...has Archmage of the Aether ever shown up in Kinja?

You could perhaps set the bar a little higher, no?

Go fuck yourself, San Diego.”

The demographic makeup of the 50 States will not have changed significantly enough to make a difference. The economy will probably not implode before 2020, and will be doing fine enough that people will think it’s Trump’s presence which is helping it. Unless we can get more than 60% voting participation, he will win.

Reminds me of stories I heard about Bill Belichick expressing his incredulity at actually beating the Rams in that first championship win: “Can you believe that we actually won with this group?” is what he’s supposed to have said.

After watching a movie that I really liked and enjoyed, I used to love to sit around and watch the credits. My son and I would look at all the different effects studios that were involved, and try to think about every one of the people that worked on the film (“Hey, look, they had 22 caterers!”). Also, I’d like to see