Third Person Omnivorous

I was at the new Ant-Man movie this weekend, and I was sticking around like everyone else in the audience. This young lady was doing the “I-gotta-go-bad” dance in the aisle ahead of me and just waited and waited. I felt really bad for her when the credits were finally done...

This is the correct take.

Funny you should put it that way. I was just explaining to my son why Qatar would even want to host a world cup, and I just told him that oil-rich countries with questionable human rights practices get fawned over by the media and press no matter what during large events like this.

No. The germane part of my post was that you can have problems with TLJ and still “read” RotJ in the way that it is described in this article. My specific reasons for liking or not liking TLJ are relevant only in that a) I don’t usually hold opinions that coincide with what is known as “toxic masculinity” and b) I

Oh, you don’t have to tell me to be angry at Abrams...

I know you’re not saying this, but as someone who really, really didn’t like TLJ, it wasn’t because I wanted Luke to fuck up more shit. It’s the 30+ years of Luke being a shut-in hermit—a coward—that we don’t get. It’s all bullshit exposition. “Hey remember that guy who went through hell to learn a valuable lesson

Yeah, but I object to the characterization that “if you don’t like The Last Jedi, you’re mis-reading The Return of the Jedi”. Not saying that you’re characterizing it like that, but the AV Club article and the original Twitter thread seem to be operating under that premise.

First page of search results for “study reveals babies are stupid” is just about how great the onion is and look at all these great headlines, including that one. Anyway, I'm surprised it isn't in the list.

How are you gray (again?)? Too bad votes from other grays don't help...

6 out of 8. Jordan lost in the playoffs when he came back mid-season (after the one full season gone), and Hakeem got two in a row. Also, Jordan developed his fadeaway jumper after losing so he could win three more.

This is the correct take.

Hey, want to be super sad? A recent poll says 58% of Americans think Trump is “intelligent”.

No, that is candy-coating it.

He’s not racist! He pardoned a Muslim and a black! For his black friend. See! Double not-racist.

Quick story I have to share. I’m mostly a Washington-area fan, but I soured on the NFL team for obvious reasons some time ago (even before Snyder bought them) . When my son showed interest in the NFL, I didn’t want him rooting for them. I listed the teams, and the 4-or-5-year-old kid of course chooses “Lions” because

Hey, how about those Vegas fans? Good folk. Hockey’s so beautiful.

That’s cool. Like, if Putin has to take over America for the Caps to win the cup. Yeah, all good.

Is this the thread where we can say “FUCK YEAH!!!”