It’s all right now, baby. It’s all good. Sorry about calling you baby. I’ve been reading A Farewell to Arms.
It’s all right now, baby. It’s all good. Sorry about calling you baby. I’ve been reading A Farewell to Arms.
Read Ta’Nehisi Coates’ article “The First White President”.
Now I kinda want to see the (failed) attempt at attack him. That would be some good entertainment.
That chance you’s really high.
I had tickets to game 6 of that series. Sigh.
Again, his age was not at issue here. The birth certificate policy is to establish age. This was entirely about parentage, which is of no concern to Southwest.
I’m so sick of this “if you see something, say something” bullshit that’s out there now. Our police are not trained for this, and the ticket agent at an airport is certainly not trained for this.
“to validate the age” does not mean to validate the parentage.
It is so crazy, but “soft” merges like that really do require the opposite of the zipper merge, but the “hard” merges should be zippered. “Soft” meaning that there isn’t a physical impediment, like an over-turned tractor trailer or something, but instead a set of social expectations/posted warnings/”laws”.
Tio estis amuza. Havu stelon!
I agree. It’s been so fascinating to watch him develop, and to see how he thinks.
I don’t necessarily object to any hating on LeBron, but saying “the narrative was already written either way” is like complaining about a television show 15 seasons in. I would say that he’s kind of earned a nice narrative is my point.
According to “myopicprophet” up in the other thread, nobody on Deadspin hates Lebron. Except for poor lonely “myopicprohpet”.
That totally went off the rails. I was reading it and thinking I knew the ending of the sentence “You’ll criticize his ego, call him a thug and a prima donna in a couple years because” was going to be “sports fans are fickle.” I mean, congratulations to the dickhead with the shitty fucking handle for surprising us…
Duh. Woops.
That one block he made against James last night was good.
I remember reading about him years ago and being completely fascinated by his ideas. But dismissing the “ham-fisted measures” out of hand ignores this fairly important discussion of Monderman’s work:
Wait-what? Whom did you hate more, Sean Penn, or David Patrick Kelly. Because nobody hates on 80s villain David Patrick Kelly without a fight.
I wanted to be Percy Shelley when I was 15.