Third Person Omnivorous

I hate anti-union beliefs and propaganda, and I believe unions can be good, but the NCAA strikes me as the worst example of what happens when organizations that are designed to protect their members instead transform into protecting themselves. You can see it in unions, in the NCAA, in the NRA, and in plenty of other

Just a small correction: the cross-ice pass was from Kuznetzov, who got it from Wilson.

Yeah, adding 5 inches to a 5'11" body doesn’t add 2 feet to the arms, though.

If they ain’t written, they ain’t rules, motherfucker.

Results bias/hindsight bias is the worst thing in sports analysis—or “analysis”, really. I hate hate hate hate it. Thanks for committing to get away from it.

I followed the first half through box score updates/play-by-play over the web, and watched the second half. The second half was pretty ugly for both teams. They both regressed to the mean in the second half statistically, but the hot start for Cleveland turned out to be insurmountable.

So you’re saying there’s a silver lining to everything?

Who the fuck does she think she is, anyway?

Everybody’s getting this metaphor wrong. Rooting for the iceberg in Titanic is not rooting for the Warriors. The closest thing to the iceberg is LeBron: a force of nature that can’t be accounted for in the plans of mortals. The Celtics, Rockets, and Warriors are all huge gargantuan planned ships that are hoping they

The iceberg. Always, the iceberg.

That was not “hating the way they play”. I think you misinterpreted the word “infuriating”. There is nothing in that post that says the Warriors “way of playing” is hated by that poster. The post was mostly about disliking Steph’s “shimmy”, and being infuriated when he goes into “can’t miss mode”. That’s not an actual

But you’re not giving him a B+, then, are you? I guess I feel like answering this for an entire artist’s career makes B+ too high a hurdle. The answers that focused on franchises made more sense. I realize the whole “B+ career” is a metaphor, but it’s a poor one for this. I just can’t think of anyone who isn’t already

Are there any A careers? Honestly. A B+ career is amazing. Take the counter examples offered in the article. Do you give Bruce Springsteen an A career. Everything he ever produced was an A, otherwise he’s at least an A- career, right? Paul McCartney? He’s got some B’s, and even some C’s to my mind. Best chance for an

Hello? “White Woman Calls Cops” is not the news. “Cops defend black man’s right to exist” is fucking news!

“You always were an asshole, Gorman.”

So the solo no-hitter is Fascist, but not boring.

Isn’t the real story that Samer already has her digits?

Oglaf always gets a star.

They did “Earache my eye!”, right? I loved that one.