Always amusing when someone spends half an hour putting together a post telling a whole crowd how lame they are. Instead of, y'know, just going somewhere else.
Always amusing when someone spends half an hour putting together a post telling a whole crowd how lame they are. Instead of, y'know, just going somewhere else.
Somewhat as a followup:
That line of thinking is part and parcel with abuser mentality: "I wouldn't beat/hit/punch you if you didn't do xyz, therefore this is all your fault". Sickening.
I think they mean the cost of retaining an attorney, if you do that, and missing work.
Jesus. When I was rounding up content for a page I manage earlier, I came across a TEDtalk 'Violence Against Women is a Man's Issue' which was by a male presenter. I made the mistake of peeking at the comments, and it was nearly entirely men who were listing reasons why it is the woman's fault, never the man. FUCK.
I do want to say "no shit", but I won't because it's true, these things do need to be proved with studies.
It's her responsibility to get the help she needs. Not that of the guy she has been abusing. You probably wouldn't tell an abused woman that she needs to make sure her husband gets mental help before leaving him. Switching the genders doesn't change anything else. It's safer for him to be away from her. He can…
My husband hates me because of Laundry Mountain.
I've had people look at me like I'm nuts, but I measure my dog's food twice a day, I put it out, and they eat it. People who have multiple dogs say that doesn't work, that their dogs won't eat all their food. That's because they are never hungry!
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo!
Particularly combined with the line "health insurgence", which makes me feel like it's revolutionary countercultural healthcare, and thus probably very hemp-centric :)
ETA: No judgment on typos, my typing is a train wreck. They just coalesced awesomely here.
That's confusing to me. As realistically (and sadly) you can often legally leave your children with anyone you want from my understanding (there's a whole underground "adoption" thing where people give their children to others (Jez had an article a while ago that I thought said it was legal in many places)). And if…
am I the only one impressed by the lack of major spillage? Like this guy had his displacement volume figured out!
I'm having my first "real" office-experience job in America, and I knew it was going to be oh so much fun my first day of lunch, when a woman came into the kitchen while I was microwaving my meal, announced to the room, "Don't look! I'm going to weigh myself!" and then proceeded to get on the BATHROOM SCALE that I…
To this man, his father, and all men like him I say:
I have some scissors that would do it.
My husband and I both work, but we don't make a lot of money. At one point, when it was just me working, we made $37 too much to qualify for food assistance.