
I had a similar accident as your #1: Grade three, sitting in class when the principal comes into our room with two girls in tow and announces that they've skipped grade two and will be joining our class. I turn around to see, slip off my chair and fall flat on my face on the desk behind me. Bloody nose, bloody mouth,

I'm just liking your opinion of Myth Busters. I love science, but I hate that stupid show. On an equal standing with Top Gear.

"A pencil that gets sharpened too much is eventually reduced to nothing. A pencil sharpener can sharpen tons of pencils and be just fine."

Also, any guy who enjoys blowjobs and uses "dick-sucking" as an insult is a fucking hypocrite.

Really?! There are "certain otherwise reasonable Jezebel" commenters who don't acknowledge white privilege?!

But wait! I read that asking people to get active consent is going to ruin sex 5ever (that's one more than 4ever).

I am a sucker for seersucker. I immediately assumed that this ban was because stripes look weird and wavy on TV. They clearly do not realize how many young, hip Southern men and women rock the seer. And with good cause, it is light weight and devilishly handsome!

I would really love to know how many of the respondents had ever HAD a female boss.

Pfft. I think you and the author of that high-faloootin librul rag need to learn the difference between boot straps and welfare.

Comparisons to apartheid are pretty fair, honestly.

I guarantee you that whatever was said, it sure as hell wasn't half as bad as the things you hear about middle easterners at your average Bar Mitzvah reception.

I'm your huckleberry. Enjoy my spittle-flecked invective, which you will just have to imagine as I don't actually have the energy to be an asshole (at this time). Imma outsource this job to a dog.

The best part of his letter is the disclaimer at the end:

Do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers.

The truth is that, except in the first flush of infatuation, both partners are rarely equally excited. At any given moment, one person wants sex more passionately than the other. What's more, whether due to nurture or nature, there is usually a difference in tempo between men and women, with women generally requiring

The truth is that, except in the first flush of infatuation, both partners are rarely equally excited. At any given moment, one person wants sex more passionately than the other.

It seriously sounds like she has a fearful, non-consenting sex life and I felt pity for her feeling the need to defend that.

also, it's not like "a trusted friend" has ever been the one to sexually assault a "victim" before, right?

The attitude of "it can't happen to me" is the wrong attitude. The right attitude is "I won't let it happen to me!"

Treading carefully here, but are you speaking about the police article, or the interpretation by the writer?