
Also amongst what they got wrong

I used to enjoy listening to him until he did an interview with the singer Lourde where he came off sounding like a creepy stalker child-molester .

Sounds like Zarda from the Squadron Supreme (Supreme Power) from the series by J. Michael Stravinsky and Gary Frank. One of the better Justice League stories I’ve ever read .

The only thing unique about this show was the very basic concept by way of Gaiman and Carey. The rest: procedural crime, adversarial love interest, cute kid, were just cranked out of some Hollywood schlock factory. Disappointing but not surprising.

I think this article just keeps getting reposted on various kinja sites once a year or so.

Sugar itself has been proven to be a highly addictive substance that has actually caused premature death in untold numbers of people. Soft drinks alone were linked to the deaths of around 25, 000 people just in the US in 2010. We let people take their chances with getting hooked on a sugar high like it's no big thing.

"Which appear to be some sort of zombie people that feed human remains." To Who(m)? Is this another example of how Kinja could really benefit from editors thing or am I missing something? I don't want to be "that guy" but seriously...

'god' I love XTC!

Hmm, no mention of the 10% myth or the left-brained/right-brained myth. I would have thought these would be in the top 4.

I love Hawkeye and Unwritten. Tried Saga but it didn't live up to all the hype imo. I'm trying to get into Lazarus but have only read a couple issues.

I feel like Love & Rockets gets no ...well, love. It's one of the most consistently good, creative, creator-owned comics for 30+ years(!!!) running. Every single issue blows me away.

Senator Tenzil Kem, Matter Eater Lad!

I only watch this show for 3 things: Jason Stackhouse au naturael, Pam,the ONLY character with a shred of honesty on the entire show. Period. And in the hope of the (true) death of Tara, because she was the most annoying human, ever and has become the most annoying vampire, ever. I mean evah.

Now you too can smell like the profit from other people's ideas!