That last sentence was completely unnecessary you know.
That last sentence was completely unnecessary you know.
So draining the swamp is done by adding more and more swamp?
There’s young and there’s complete lack of taste in music. I mean “Korn”?
Yes to Wye Oak. Also Alt-J, Mimicking Birds, Tomemitsu, Mt. Ossa, Junip. All worth listening to. But really not because I heard the youngs like it or at least I can’t say I thought about it like that. That said, I’ve always thought popular music was about 75% manufactured crap. It’s just now I think it hovers around…
I would just assume he’s a douchebag. Because that seems like a pretty douchy question to ask. Also, I always thought it meant meth or coke or some other amphetamine that douchebags just so happen to be fond of.
It’s cute how whenever a right-wingnut says or does something horrible, the steeple’s defense of said horrible behavior is always “yeah, but both sides do do/say (something horrible). Even if this were true, it’s not really a defense. Sorry Clint, nobody and I mean nobody on the left would ever get away with let alone…
Crazy mixed up backwards loony land is pretty much the Republican party platform as far as I can tell.That and tax cuts for the rich.
This headline actually made me nauseous.
Finally, an idea that would make the Bachelor worth watching!
I tired, but decided channel surfing for a few was a much better use of my time.
I used to enjoy listening to him until he did an interview with the singer Lourde where he came off sounding like a creepy stalker child-molester .
Hmm, no mention of the 10% myth or the left-brained/right-brained myth. I would have thought these would be in the top 4.