
I won’t pretend to be an expert since I’m only a Diamond player across the board but it was honestly impressive. I’ve been watching the RLCS since S1 when Kronovi, Lach, & Over won. I don’t miss a game and when you see great team play like that it’s a wonder. A 4 man pass is nothing to scoff at and C9 has proven to be

I guess I have no problem with Evermore camping on the hill. It was rather clever. Plus we had already seen he was a good player by finishing first in the 2nd match was it? I personally take a very stealthy approach to this game. I enter into combat when it’s majorly in my advantage. The less I give away my position

I often think of that myself. Such as the influence on younger players. I play games like PUBG alot but I see myself as someone who would band together and help others. Honestly I can’t see any other way to survive. There is no realistic way the average person could survive alone. In a community a large group could

I am running 60-80 fps stable with mostly high settings (couple on epic) and about 1/2 the check boxes marked. Game runs smooth & still looks great! I am running 4690k + GTX970(SLI). There are some settings that kill fps so just gotta find the right balance.

Boo Hoo. It’s fantasy people. Fiction. Get over it. I mean everyone is obviously entitled to their own opinion but I don’t think this is really a big deal for the reasons stated above.

Nicely put. I’ve always said the same as well. x)

First problem is playing on console. ::Sits back playing original skyrim heavily modded that looks better than “remastered” version of Skyrim on PC @ 60fps:: oops.

Umm. How in the world is TP-Link routers left out of this? Seems like wherever I go, TP-Link routers were on top.

Umm. How in the world is TP-Link routers left out of this? Seems like wherever I go, TP-Link routers were on top.

There should be harsh punishment for this kind of thing. Maybe like first offense(recorded ofc) suspension. Then second offense out right ban and inability to play the game in multiplayer. Don’t get me wrong though. Playing around with friends is fine like that(maybe a bit twisted lol) but unacceptable to total

I don’t really get how it points to DT. Ofc ppl see things they want too whether it has meaning or not. So I’m guessing that’s ops issue. Don’t hate on me... I’m not a trump fan :P I just dont see it being relevant to DT.

This is rather funny but I’m getting sick of all the politics lately here. Give it a rest. A constant reminder of how screwed we are everyday is not fun for anyone :(

I asked my friend who he thought won the second debate. I said Trump won this one. He responded back... “Does anyone really win?” I agreed. we are all going to die either way...

Kind of thought this would be more funny. Someone needs to do Hillary next. They both say a lot of retarded things...