
“Best kisser? Leo or Idris?”

I think he likes acting but hates doing all the stuff that goes with it.

I know I didn’t think he was capable of that much joy anymore.

I think that’s the most engaged I’ve seen Ford in an interview ever. I don’t know how I feel about it, I kind of love how he’s a total grumpuss to everyone. Stop making Harrison happy Alison!

Getting Harrison Ford to not seem totally curmudgeonly in an interview is a rare talent. I’ll definitely be seeking out Alison hammond from now on!


Sidepiece could be gender neutral and modern but, if anything, it sounds even more demeaning than mistress.

It is archaic, but it still has this hint of glamour, which I guess is why it hasn’t gone away. A mistress is forbidden fruit, sultry and seductive; a lover is illicit and exciting, but also kind of sleazy. Like naked and nude.

Sexual preference or not, owning and consuming child porn is not a victimless crime. It doesn’t matter if you don’t personally rape children. In order for the content to be created for consumption, children have to be raped. I see no justifiable reason to acknowledge, and dignify by acknowledging, the “sexual

Unfortunately I know of no good solution to this concern, but locking away pedophiles does little to rehabilitate these attractions.

I just watched John Oliver’s piece on the NRA and all your points are basically in his piece. The NRA number roughly 3 million as of last year but they send out alerts at all gun control legislation which members definitely show up to.

The NRA has power because of three things:

Yeah, if it’s a wild animal and I’m not interfering with it in any way (touching, feeding, preventing it from leaving, etc.) I don’t see the problem.

“For the record, there are what the organization considers “good” animal selfies: any image where the human is not touching the animal and the animal is not being used as a prop.”

Well, first, healthcare is a necessity, firearms are not. Second, your argument would remotely work if it was as easy to get healthcare as it is to get firearms in this country. Third, for countries that have healthcare for all, it is not technically free. everybody pays a little bit through taxes so everyone can have

Any abortion at or after 20 weeks is likely going to be the result of some heartbreaking medical issue, so this is nothing but cruelty towards women and parents so these lawmakers can claim how fucking pious they are. Fuck them and their shit religion that is the basis of all this nonsense.

These “pro-life” Republicans ought to be ashamed to show their faces in public. Puerto Rico—let ‘em drown. Las Vegas—let ‘em get mowed down by another crazy white guy with a gun. Expiration of CHIP healthcare for kids—let ‘em die of curable diseases.

“I am not gorgeous and I never was, but I was always OK looking and I’m keen to stay that way,” Mirren told The Daily Mail, wrongly, in the course of announcing the partnership.

No one said it was classy, but it is drawing attention to a problem and each picture gets a $1,000 donation to helping Puerto Rico.