
Yes!!! It’s so good.

mt senior prom friend group hit up Denny’s after. shit was wild 🤘🏼 (not really, but there were pancakes)

Yeah I honestly thought they were talking about “’good’ animal selfies” the entire article until I got to that paragraph.

A lot of ‘premium’ denim is sized that way! Once I started wearing Madewell, Joe’s, etc., I realized most of it is by waist size. It was also when I finally started getting pants that fit well!

A giant moth dove into my face last night as I was doing laundry in the basement and I don’t think I’ve ever screamed so loudly.

harsh vibes, man

That’s very interesting. When my dad was going through cancer treatments he didn’t tell anybody except his job (because he had to take time off) and his brother, and he would get mad at my mom for telling people about it .

Stevie’s also a part of one of Lana’s new songs 🙃

Seattle can be just as racist as anywhere else. We just don’t want to admit it/think about it.

Exactly!! I was close to (happy) tears reading about this, and then I got to the comments and was met with so much negativity. Like, what? Really?

I have a friend who bartends at a Mexican restaurant who gave us free shots of it. It was good!! Don’t know if I would pay for it though.