
“Teodora’s tragic story is a sad illustration of everything that is wrong with the justice system in El Salvador,...”

I’m pretty sure the white woman GOP voters in my family (Alabamans) vote 100% only based on abortion. They will never vote for someone who admits to being pro-choice. For real. That and they are stealth racists who don’t care about equality. It’s like beating your head against a wall to convince them anything other

I’m sick of people blaming #MeToo and some kind of mob mentality because these guys are stepping on their dicks. He’s a corporate executive whose company is in media whirlwind, not some bumpkin accosted by paparazzi. At that level, they know they are always representing the company—especially when the company is the

I like to imagine that Melania clandestinely DVRs those painfully cheesy Hallmark Channel movies and then sobs into the pillow in the Lincoln Bedroom.

Eric Trump genuinely seems like the type of guy who would be lost without his wife. Legally, she can’t leave him at this point without finding him a suitable home.

I get feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of his awfulness. But remember: Trump is pathetic. He’s hanging on to his position by his fingernails. A position he is completely unqualified to hold.

So you helped put him in office by voting for Stein. Thanks. 

“Why wouldn’t she have told this story at the time...”

Hey I’m Jewish and a non Zionist. Just popping in to say we exist (in droves, actually.)

Are you fucking serious? Congratulations on being the first, but not the last, white woman to miss the entire point.

Consider this, though: there are probably a hundred people who work on the show that expected to have one more year of steady paychecks. Something that I think is worth grappling with is how we take down abusive powerful men without massive collateral damage. Recentering stories on women is one way to do so.

The video is funny and spot on, but, like...

You guessed Ireland based on my flimsy human rights and shitty options for political affiliation right? Ding ding ding!

Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill, Death Proof - present(ish) day

I truly HATE this video. As I have shared with friends, this video at best is trash and at worst further perpetuates negative stereotypes about black folks. This video is not thought-provoking whatsoever. Furthermore the video seems to “humanize” racists. From the beginning, the white guy with the MAGA hat seems to

Disney cast indigenous voice actors for all the Native American characters in Pocahontas. Irene Bedard, who voice Pocahontas, is of Inupiat, Yupik, Inuit, Cree and Métis ancestry; Russell Means, who voiced Powhatan is Oglala Lakotan. I could go on.

The super-weird this about this obsession over her identity by black folks is that I don’t ever recall her saying anything controversial or something that should make you side-eye her.

Look, I can get why white people are obsessed with trying to peg her down, but I’d really like black folks to stop playing this game with her, too. It’s gotten beyond weird.

did you see the bit in the original WaPo article about how the WaPo reporter put her purse next to the mole’s purse on the table to block her camera, and right after that the mole moved her purse hahahahahahaha

Archer seems off for some reason. It’s probably just me and depression, but after season 3 or 4 it hasn’t been as enjoyable.