Middle-Aged Pedant Kinja Turtle

You are, as your name would suggest, entirely correct. I spotted it after the time limit, and am glad to called out on my error.

That cat made me lol. In fact, I think I could spend all day looking at funny cat pictures. We could call them... catlaughs.

If I still drank, I would buy everyone a round at my local bar I used to frequent. It’s been that good of a week... Okay, it hasn’t been good for my family and I. But if anything, that’s more of a reason to bask in the good cheer of strangers.

P.S. Hope everyone has a good weekend. Be safe and have fun. Cheers!

My husband and I went on a honeymoon cruise, and one night the entertainment was a Newlywed Game style audience participation show where they picked a newlywed couple from the audience, a couple that had been married the longest, and a couple in between to participate as contestants. We were the newlywed couple. In

this week’s was a bit too easy and i was ready with a funny story about servers in my auto text but with the news about Anna i’ll just say...

On the other hand, if you had told me that a washed-up celebrity would be sliding into Lizzo’s timeline offering to be a human purse, Frankie Muniz would have been at worst my fourth guess.

At some point, the one sane person left in the administration is going to call everyone into a room and yell “SHUT THE FUCK UP, PEOPLE!” Any person who tries to speak back will just get “SHUT THE FUCK UP!” screamed back in their face.

Oh my fuck. Glad to get the weekend started with a laugh.


Right? This would’ve been followed by a Tik Tok video of Shia staring into the camera sweating profusely and breathing heavily.

You’re good Anna.

Aww come on.  He’s being pretty harmless here.  

Are you still creeped out? Is this the wrong time to ask you where you want me to put this lightbulb?

“Rudely brazen?” She told everyone to shoot their shot.

If it happens once it’s an accident. If it happens again then he’s bragging.

CTE isn’t funny.

I can’t tell you how many times his has happened to me.

White people in Philly immediately became terrified upon learning a large black man owned a Gunn.

The Facetime call also unintentionally caught a naked and confused Kyle Long wandering in the background.