Middle-Aged Pedant Kinja Turtle

I am saddened at the lack of “Porky’s Revenge” reference.

Hello Mr. Nolan,

Looks like Portal? Or Portal 2?

Putin’s grand plan for making NATO implode is humming along nicely.

I thought it was just the worlds slowest rimshot gif. I guess I can stop staring at it now.

Hux was far more capable and stable.


I don’t understand why he doesn’t use “Widdle”

“And then I realized that 40% of the country will believe it. And then I got a headache.”

I pretty much never call anyone this, but every time I see his picture, my brain says “Weenie!”

“I’m a stable genius” “They like my big brain” etc...

To be fair, lawyers suck too.

Surely the world is unprepared for a meeting of the minds of this magnitude.

Bring enough for me too! Sounds fun!

Contains 11.2% of the joy juice!

What a fun week!

You asked if you should spend jail time for speeding. I pointed out that it’s a moving violation, not a misdemeanor, they are different classes of crime.

This comment reeks of experience.

Too much power for too small a car.”