“And then I realized that 40% of the country will believe it. And then I got a headache.”
“And then I realized that 40% of the country will believe it. And then I got a headache.”
I pretty much never call anyone this, but every time I see his picture, my brain says “Weenie!”
“I’m a stable genius” “They like my big brain” etc...
To be fair, lawyers suck too.
Surely the world is unprepared for a meeting of the minds of this magnitude.
Bring enough for me too! Sounds fun!
Contains 11.2% of the joy juice!
What a fun week!
You asked if you should spend jail time for speeding. I pointed out that it’s a moving violation, not a misdemeanor, they are different classes of crime.
This comment reeks of experience.
“Too much power for too small a car.”
2300 lbs with the stock motor... anyone know what it weighs with the Hellcrate?
Everyone’s already said Carlin... so... Richard Pryor?
You’re seriously going to compare not showing up for jury duty, having been selected and sworn in, without bothering to even make a simple phone call with speeding? You’re better than that, I’ve seen you comment here many times.
Look, 10 days is excessive, but contempt of court is contempt of court. It’s not being “inconsiderate” it’s breaking the law.
We’ll see.
I can’t go looking right now because I’m at work, but I swear she did the impression of Cruise on Craig Ferguson (I think it was his last year of Late Late Night?)
I guess the rumor means nothing if it’s only in the context of a secret ballot. I don’t know the law on this, but I’m sure that an impeachment trial in the senate isn’t a secret ballot, is it?