Middle-Aged Pedant Kinja Turtle

I don’t even do the serious commenting part. I just skip straight to the attention-whoring, so I understand.

Or god forbid, not using a turn signal when changing lanes when there’s nobody even on the road to see it.

I have ranted before on the one time I got a loaner vehicle with the lane correcting “feature.”

“Of course, we wouldn’t be cool though, and that’s super important, right?”

I think because an allowed visit would be highly documented and they would know immediately to look for him, and would implicate his friend.. etc..

I guess it’s a good thing that’s my fetish...

I have never settled myself on the term: “Human Resources”

Apology accepted.

I refuse to give you a star.

“There’s an article about Chuck E. Cheese, poverty pimping and capitalism waiting to be written, by the way.”

Whoever keeps giving those statues viagra needs to stop.


It’s because “media” isn’t technically a word that denotes a group of people. It’s become that way as a colloquialism, but that’s the reason it just sounds weird in certain contexts.

Oddly humanizing.


TIL that Taboola is an Israeli company.

Folks, we lost another one! Stay strong out there!

Scaramucci / Conway 2020!


No, Cerulean Blue is the best crayon you heathen.