Wow... people usually just call me an asshole for being pedantic. Thanks!
Wow... people usually just call me an asshole for being pedantic. Thanks!
They’re just going to do it anyways.
One of my favorite, if not straight-up favorite writers at Jez.
Anna leaving is a shock. She’s one of my favorites over at Jez.
And a non-alcoholic cheers to you, sir.
But... who?
Err I think you have your analogy wrong... This is to “tone deaf” (meaning extremely) as Trump is to competence? Extremely competent?
Cats? Cats! I like cats. I found this new cat meme, check it out!
It’s gotta be Jack Ryan.
Follow your dreams, Frankie.
Well, if you think about it, the back of a Semi could be called a ‘narrow flatbed’ with a hitch built into it...
Don’t worry, we will do our part to help you congratulate the gun nuts.
“Oh, and I do, of course, realize that there are those that celebrate National Pancake Day on March 12, but I swear, those filthy bastards are heretics who are debasing the very meaning of National Pancake Day, and if I had my way they’d all be rounded up into prisons until they agreed that the day to observe …
Actually, I am thinking Trump really is going to fire him shortly. It fits the M.O.
And fully admit to something they fervently denied a matter of seconds beforehand? Total lawyer move.
“if only every week was not a thousand years long.”